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Подготовка пути к Пришествию Господа
Брат Саду Сундар Селварадж является основателем JESUS MINISTRIES (Иисус Министриз), пророческо-евангелизационной работы, которая выполняет призыв Бога инициировать евангелизационную работу среди групп людей, среди которых Иисус Христос малоизвестен или неслыханен. Сильное помазание Бога в жизни брата Саду подтверждается знамениями, чудесами и чудесами. С 1979 года Господь Бог приводит Брата Саду в более чем 50 стран по всему миру, чтобы свидетельствовать о Нем.

Все книги, видео и аудиозаписи Саду Сундара Селвараджа доступны для скачивания за добровольное пожертвование в нашем интернет-магазине. Не пропустите удивительные откровения и учения от престола Божьего.
Смотреть ЕщёСлово Господа
Воля Пославшего Меня есть та, чтобы всякий, видящий Сына и верующий в Него, имел жизнь вечную; и Я воскрешу его в последний день.
- (От Иоанна 6:40)
Божьей благости над
жизнью Его народа!
I just opened the mail and read your reply to my prayer request. I was deeply encouraged and I started crying before I could finish. It was like an outpouring of love from my Father. I know He hears me but when I saw the specific words used, it brought more joy for no one knows the prayers I prayed but the Lord. I appreciate your prayers very much. Thank you Jesus!
I have been and is still blessed in special ways by your deep spiritual programs. For instance, after returning from SOP Nigeria, I was having a few challenges, as a result of exercising my spiritual senses. After then, while watching "Truly yours”, where Bro. Sadhu taught about the basics of returning to my first love, it really blessed my heart for it was an answer to my immediate challenge that I was pondering on. It also affirmed what was made to known to me by the Spirit a few days ago concerning "Waiting on God".
Otobong David
I am so glad that God made it happen for me to come on the National Prayer Gathering by the Intercessors for the Philippines. I had a tremendous encounter with God and a memorable experience of learning and growing spiritually as we face challenges and battles of life and knowing that we are on God's winning side with the Lord Jesus as our "Armor of light!."
Edna Lopez
During the conference at Israel, I was watching from house. I used to have asthmatic attacks and was placed on medication. In the evening session of Pastor Joseph Sweet, during the prayer session, I started coughing and wheezing then I realized that I was having another episode of the asthmatic attack. I told the Lord I want to partake till the end of the program and not miss it and I also claimed my healing. By the time Pastor Joe concluded that evening prayer session. All the symptoms were gone and I could breathe normally. I have been fine since then. All glory to our good God
Kingsley Baafi Amponsah

Построй Мне место, где Мои ноги смогут отдыхать, и Я смогу сидеть на троне!